What Is Wounded And Healthy Feminine Energy?

Dec 31, 2023

Is your feminine energy wounded, or rather healthy?

Very often we cannot explain our behaviors and feelings, and wonder why we act or feel this way. There can be many different reasons. 

Let me explain to you what wounded and healthy feminine energy look like, and maybe you can recognize yourself in some of the following things. 

By the way, men also have feminine energy, and women also have masculine energy, so even men can have wounded and healthy feminine energy. In the following article I will focus on typical female behaviors.


What is wounded feminine energy?

Everything is linked to our childhood, especially how our parents, other family members, friends, care takers, teachers, etc., have treated us. Even what they told us when we were kids is crucial to our lives today.

When our experiences are rather negative than positive, (like being rejected, emotionally and physically abused, being alone a lot as a child etc.), then especially as a woman, your feminine energy might be wounded.

Being insecure is very typical for the wounded feminine, as well as looking for external validation, and this is mostly related to each other. Let’s say a woman is insecure, has low self confidence, and she is looking for validation from other people, especially from a man. She is always expecting compliments from a man, first of all, when she is in a relationship. Another sign is that she is excessively attached to her partner, and she feels unable to live without her partner anymore, being absolutely addicted and desperate for love. Lastly, is exhibiting extreme jalousy. Most wounds show up in a partnership because a feminine quality is the desire for love, to love and to be loved, and a wounded person can be triggered very fast.

Another wound can show up as being manipulative, this mostly transitions into a toxic partnership, where a woman tries to change a man with a lot of lies. It is possible that she tries to keep her partner away from his family and friends, just to have him all to herself, just to eliminate any possible dangers that he could leave her.




When a woman has wounded feminine energy, she can get stuck in victimhood very easily. She can become a victim of a narcissist, then she will try to be a good partner, and sacrifice herself for him and her family. Striving for peace and harmony is also a typical feminine quality, this is why she will try everything to keep a peaceful atmosphere. 

Most likely she won’t be able to set any boundaries and will put up with anything, which causes even more, and deeper, wounds. It's like a vicious circle where she can't get herself out .


What is healthy feminine energy? 

Healthy feminine energy is exactly the opposite of wounded feminine energy. When there is healthy feminine energy present, a woman is a loving, warm-hearted and supportive person, who is able to relate to others, and tries to help as much as she wants and is able to. Creating a female community is especially one of her ambitions, because caring for others is also a special feminine quality.

A woman with healthy feminine energy carries a lot of compassion in her heart, is empathetic and vulnerable. She always feels called to do good deeds for her fellow human beings, animals, and also nature.




When a woman is in her fullest energetic positive state, she will be able to ask for what she needs and to set her boundaries.

Another gift of healthy feminine energy is to feel confident in her body, to feel beautiful and authentically sexy, (not just playing a role), and she absolutely enjoys her sexuality, which does not say that being with multiple sexual partners excessively is a sign of having a good relationship towards her sexuality. In most cases, it means the opposite, and is a sign of wounded energy where she tries to get external validation from her sexual partners. 

When the healthy energy dominates, she does not feel ashamed of her body, for her sexual wishes and needs, because she knows that she deserves it. She is a goddess, and a goddess deserves any beauty and any gifts life provides for her.



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